[MISC] God Slayers - Game Thread (Jane, Apprentice, Ranta, and Nightingale win!)

Basically we just all of them in a list, and are rolling a d99 to pick one.
If we get a repeat we just reroll lmao



It works even if its a bit jank

maybe I’ll finally get an item here soon

remain broke


its funny

manual dislike


@discobot roll 1d4

:game_die: 1

@discobot roll 1d6

:game_die: 5

Intensify goes to the Sea gate

@discobot roll 1d99

:game_die: 9

Intensify Draws…

Beads of Xuanzang (Artifact)

Whenever you would take damage, you may reduce the damage taken by 2 by shuffling 1 card from the slayer discard pile back into the deck.


yes i wanna attack squirrel because I am speedrunning this

then roll smh

@discobot roll 1d6