[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

It’s really not that hard to find this out… for the schemes

yeah you can fairly easily google that

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Its not that hard to guess either. But I might be biased.

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the main issue would be is if you somehow knew every event by heart which

would be unfeasible imo

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I’m not going to since I want to preserve my integrity for the future but yeah

I do a lot for northerners.
Basically my favorite faction.

From here I won once with gunpowxer, but I think I know most events from counts.

And I doubt events are that googlable.

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i couldn’t even find the wiki so eevee would have unfair advantage

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the wiki doesn’t exist

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you’d have to scour twitch streams according to eliza

and at that point you’re just spoiling your own fun

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we’re winning I believe it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I mean, people have different definitions of what is fun :man_shrugging:
personally I’m in the game for the social aspect, since a long-form version of this game grants way more opportunity to be social, but I can see someone researching the game for hours to create the perfect strategy based on the later stages of schemes that have yet to be revealed to the people who didn’t research it/don’t remember/haven’t played the game because this. is in fact a strategy game.

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Yeah, for example you said that Aprils pulled short end of a stick with current upgrade negitiation, meanwhile I know which ones are useful for them in future.

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amelia changed again the skinwalker

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its a strategy game yeah but it’s also very random

I find that mass researchers would just be angry if the events don’t go the way they want

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I went from saffronsmug to saffron in the sunset

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(not to say that this is playing it wrong)

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I mean
I’m going to be upset if the events fuck me over regardless, as is the nature of the game

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sometimes you just get cucked by events and then you lose and it’s like “wow I definitely could have influenced this outcome /s”

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you know what fair enough

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