[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

is there a game reason why you did this or do you just wanna be overthrown

I think she’s trying to make you fail the roll

It’s because I have no idea how that event would actually go

The inquisitors called me today and told me they were scared and that they didn’t think they would actually have to do anything besides stand there and look pretty


we fired them of course so now we have these new guys who are totally competent we promise


this sure is a choice
VOTE: Choice B

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good meowning

we are… surprisingly split

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VOTE: Choice A

hello friend can you help us with this cult problem someone accidently left the backdoor open and they must have snuck in


I don’t know why

Either we get

The Counts with a chance to fail
The Counts with a chance to fail

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little known favt but counts are well known gamblers

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And eliza banned the non gambling option

Are we sure that wasn’t gambling too

I expected this to be A heavy but it’s like 2 off from tied

cuz it’s like the lower number and you’re all mean

maybe colour coding the vc will help me

I’ll even add Kiiruma to the right A since he did it wrong

quick question do The Grandees support the eight chapter

oh no I won’t I have an rp in ONE MINUTE

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