[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

most loyal count


oh my god

our high inquisitor is not 90% of our military


oh my god it’s getting better and better


You don’t know that

we all know I’m just a Baron masquering as a count


i don’t fall into any category but if i say i’m a grandee then i can rationalize any murders as in the name of god

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The Spymaster’s Investigation

Spymaster: Your Majesty, I have returned from my investigation. I found a heap of burnt documents at the back of a hearth. Servants say that Silviu threw them in the fire shortly after catbae’s death.

They were totally illegible, but I could make out one detail—catbae’s crest! They wanted to cover up something; it’s a motive for murder, no doubt.

catbae II: This proves that Silviu killed my father in cold blood, to coverup whatever horrid truths these documents must have contained!

Vote: What should we do about about the duel / murder, in light of this new evidence?

A: Try to find more documents to support the case. +Defiance, -Stability
B: The evidence is enough; they are guilty of murder.
C: The evidence is inconclusive; hold a trial.


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theyre guilty

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water got jonnny home u

What the FUCK


@guavagudetama exolain why your head of house is covering up murder


@Squirrel2412 do you speak for the barons

I wish to hold a conversation with the barons

innocent until proven guilty
how can this prove murder

my blood is BOILING

I didn’t know Atlas was a 57 year old woman named Peggy

obviously we need more evidence