[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

i’ve still got it

Option C seems… suboptimal. I’m open minded with options A & B.
Though A doesn’t assist the queen so…

How is it suboptimal

We can’t ambush a man with the ability to teleport

live footage of atlas vs atlas:


(Also, we can lower Count defiance)

the price you gotta pay for glory :person_shrugging:

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VOTE: Choice B

ive been told C is not the way to go


Told by who

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definitely not me or litten lol

the counts are gonna be real surprised when this leads further into the event chain and they get glassed because they fucked up the assassination

i have a feeling all events lead up to dying


at least this way you die on your feet

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although considering the site we’re on i guess not all of you would be too adverse to dying on your knees



VOTE: Choice C

VOTE: Choice C

It’s hammer time

there’s 21 people litten

i know
I’m saying
it’s hammer time
as in
please for the love of god someone hammer

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