[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

(Why am I the king candidate?)
(My baron didn’t even show up to the coronation)

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Let’s throw em into the river
Vote c

We are not even in the same kingdom!!!

/vote A

i will say A puts us as against the king. it may be hard to combat against

To me, it’s clear the Grandees pride themselves in their zealous nature and wish to be known as the most devout kingdom.

I therefore propose the choice of Path A

Grandees, you want your position as the best worshippers? You can have it. Our Path A makes us natural allies with your Path A, because while our Faith is lowered, your faith will be unchallenged. You can be the bastion of devotion, and we can be your godless scapegoats.

/Vote A


All nobles were already against the Queen, as evident by our first vote. We might as well ride along on this train of thought.

i understand your placement. but if we always go against the queen we may run our kingdom into the ground before we can step up. and anyway it may be good for us to give the queen a few helpful nudges and get some reward from it

This country was already doomed the moment we Barons were forced to choose how to put Baron Squirrel to the throne rather than whether we should do so.

There is no salvation, hence we might as well choose the optimal (i.e. easy) options given the requirements we were given.

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wait we are putting a squirrel on the throne? whose plan was this?

And this is precisely why you guys should throw Eliza over the river!


IDK. I guess this is god’s plan? We don’t exactly get a say in this matter.

this feels like we are being set up here

/Vote A @ElizaThePsycho

A good ol’ fashioned witch hunt never hurt anyone.

except the… you know witch

Probably. But hey: What can you do about it?

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/vote A guess i am down to be against the monarchy for now.

psst zone how bout we get you on the throne instead… all we gotta do is make you look like a squirrel some how

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