[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

Okay nvm we have

I think italy has voted more pro grandee than me

Ye, this **** is hilarious.
@Italy, you’ve got to see this ****.

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Italy is literally borderline gamethrowing & negative utility
I don’t know what you mean

Something something useless woman?


Italy and Daeron have voted 6 times together, and 2 times differently.

So… yeah, Daeron is obviously throwing Italy under the bus in hopes of confusing the Barons to fail our own Scheme :rofl:

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Italy is literally Laurie

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I’ve been sheeping Italy, duh

First sheeping, then bussing?
Yeah, no. I’d never trust someone like you.

I thought I was being pro-Grandee by sheeping Italy
Little did I know, Italy was a deceiver and has planted C4 underneath the Grandee’s very palace

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You’re thinking up conspiracy theories
This is literally Italygate

That’s your first and biggest mistake.

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We’re all being deceived & played by Italy
It’s Italygate

My team btw

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I genuinely do not know how we have managed to have this much dissonance :sob:

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They’ve even managed to deceive Amelia into thinking their votes are pro-Grandee
It’s ridiculous
We need to eject Italy from the Grandees

/vote to kick Italy from the Grandees

someday you will reflect upon your past and realize that everything i have done is for the good of the kingdom


No, no. That’s the Counts’ job.

Here at the Barony, we just do things the straightforward way; violence begets violence.

You started this. Eye for an eye. Blood for blood. Grudge for grudge.

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(and pigeons for pigeons)

Right well if you’re claiming Italy is a grandee, I’m definitely not on their team

Italy has went off and created their own team
I’m calling it the Patricians
They’d might as well be solo

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