[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

When did I say the thing you said I said?

it’s implied

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Italygate has even deceived Zone
Italy made (moo)ves
bitch I’m a cow
bitch I’m a cow

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i am NOT a crook

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Why are we gatekeeping Italy

Are you going to join the conspiracy theory “Italygate” too?

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Ohh I get it it’s immmigration laws

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Keyword: “Will”
I am the one who keeps track of the votes, and I am seeing that at the present.

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I aint a moose bitch
Get out my hay
Get out my hay

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Ah, yes. “I hereby declare that this person must have implied this nonsense. The source? Just trust me bro.”

I was voting the pro-Grandee move of the +defiance event
Do you fault me? Italy was voting the +defiance event because they want to sabotage Barons & Grandee relations. We are not the same.

Okay. Now do this with the other 5 events.

by claiming that B is the one that delays your scheme you inherently imply that C “screws your scheme over”
i make it a running gag that i can’t read but holy shit you went to school right?

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There’s several words you can use to describe Italy.

Treasonous. Sabotager. Crook. Villian. C4 planter. Grandee-hater. Felon. Infiltrator in diplomacy.

how could you skip murderer

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I’m voting whatever Italy doesn’t vote because they’re openly sabotaging our team

Amelia has even been deceived by Italygate. Italy is the reason there’s a hivemind: they are a deceiver and tricked us all into going at anti-Grandee options. We’re behind so far because Italy has poisoned the hivemind.
We need to erase Italy and drive our own ship.

Wow. This post is… incoherent.

  • B delays our Scheme, yes.
  • Not sure how you thought the former implies C screws our scheme over. Especially since C got veto’ed.
  • Not sure why you started mentioning school.

i meant a
fuckin’ whatever

So uh hi guys, I just wanted to say this is a really cool game and I’m glad that we’re all playing it. Ty Eliza for running this and although my team is basically beyond out of the game atm, I’m just glad that more people are learning about King of the Castle and hopefully we can play more games of this, be it on forums or otherwise.