[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

What if I win?

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then i win too

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you can’t win in the time frame she’s leaving

seeing as you are literally my advisor…

that too

Heck yeah we’re teammates. Invite me to your google doc now.

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it contains secrets for futue games too

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Yes or I won’t volunteer.

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I’m always down to replace magnus

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you volunteer

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more like VOLUNTOLD

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you can always get Chloe to do it

bested again

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@chloe post the event for me on the 13th pls :pleading_face:

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actually i probably have to give u both 12th and 13th but

Today is already the twelfth for me so it’d be confusing.

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We just need one more for majority right?

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