[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

idek what im trying to do :skull:

yess!! omg we’ve advanced our wincondition
that’s definitely what I was trying to do
so iconic

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This was exactly what I was taking about. Of course, I was wrong about which region’s people would get mad. But this is still a win for Grandees

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Baron didn’t get fucked over which they may have on other options too so it’s also a win for them

the coconuts of the east

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you shitters underestimated who you are up against
for I am daeron, ultimate & supreme king of the castle player

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Yeah. The only one who’s really sweating is eliza.


eliza sowed the shit out of this (even if not picking c would have changed literally nothing)

Wait the queen can die for no reason?

i think it would be really funny if we just took turns waterboarding the barons because they wanted guns


no the Queen can’t die for no reason

I’m fairly certain the Queen can die if a stat falls to 0 though

Can a noble die

we can find out

very likely the death is just an NPC but a Noble could’ve also died

lets test it

pulls out musket


but they are immediately replaced by [Noble] II

i hope there’s an option at some point to start shit with assault duel rival noblemen

yes this is literally an event including the strikethru part

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An Untimely Death

A scream is heard in the Council hall
MURDER! BLOODY MURDER!” says Catbae the Second,! “And I know who did it too! @Silviu200530 murdered my father in COLD BLOOD!”
Silviu: "Uhh, no, it was an honorable duel. Which I won. "
“No, it was a COLD-BLOODED KILLING! What reason would my father have for dueling you?”
“The reason for any duel is a private matter, not fit for the Council.”

Catbae has died! Catbae II has joined the Council!

Vote: What should we do about the murder slash duel?

A: Hold a trial. (± Defaince)
B: Silviu is a danger to all—imprison them. (± Defiance)
C: The Spymaster should investigate to find evidence of this claim. (+Defiance) [IRON CHOICE]
D: A duel is a duel—let the accused go free. (± Defiance)