[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

(we’re basically all evil)

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Wait, why are the Barons people I know from BotC Unofficial.


Something to Baron mind.

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you’ll rpobably be reassigned to Counts to balancw the game but


but only lore-wise and eventwise

Eventwise would sound significant

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eventwise as in
you can go to war with other empires provided certain events

notable empires include the Republic of Kirth, the Ashmedean Empire, the Archduchy of Saal (a collection of islands), and Tavallain

Wouldn’t that just mess with the country’s national peace and quiet?

Though I am not thinking from a medieval point of view.

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yes but people really like war
in fact, one of the ways i can win lore-wise is going to war with Ashmede

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the Republic of Kirth also has gunpowder, but the secrets to its manufacture are highly guarded

Everyone love nationalism-like events until it has consequences that directly affects their lives. :wink:

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anyways im gonna open the prologue vote now

So does everyone from one region have the same goal?


human ingenuity, perhaps the most powerful creation ever to exist
second only to the GUN


ftr if you want to join the Counts, i can get Squirrel to actually go to the Barons

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/in w/ grandees the temptation is too much


think of your region as your “team”
you all have the same goal and win together