[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

everyone knows i’m immortal unless my death is well comedically timed


who decides who’s guilty in the trial then

Foolish men talk.

Cowards stay silent.

Wise men listen.

and nobody could find the most hilariously opportune moment to kill me especially not right now

The Counts are never victims. If he was murdered, it was for holding steadfast to his beliefs. He is a martyr. Blood spilled for the cause.

We have our ways.

A judge who is theoretically appointed by the Queen but we probably have influence in that considering we. voted for the trial to happen in the first place in that timeline

Italy, Guava is outside your door right now

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Oh I know, I’m typing as fast as I can while barricading a door

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who the fuck is knocking in the middle of the night do people not sleep anymore


To be fair, I think if we do option 1, we must methodically plan the whole trial out, and hold massive amounts of council votes to determine the exact details of the trial

Ah, yes. But of course not.

Naturally! The words of honorable Grandees can only tell the truth… am I right?

There is no way that Silviu of all people would murder for no reason. No… that would be blasphemy! He would be exiled from his own region!

I’m willing to do that to ensure justice is served between Silviu and Catbae II.

This is the kind of beaurocratic red tape that comes when you abandon Monarchy. A terrible side-effect of the so-called “Democracy”, and another reason I am more than happy re-balancing Eliza’s Authority

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That would be the hope, and why I want to get to the bottom of it.

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Can we hold a vote for when we shall hold a vote for when we are going to hold a vote for what date the trial should be? And then hold another vote for…

Italy you make me want to re-write events purely to murder you




As the new respresentative of the Barons, I would like to make it clear that we do not wish to upset the balance. In fact, we merely wish to maintain the status quo.

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i’m fully willing to use our family head as a sacrificial weapon against the barons though

it’s a just cause to die for the ninth god it’s what silviu would have wanted