[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

it wouldn’t be entirely out of place for the queen to be the judge herself

(The chancellor is essentially the monarch’s aide)

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Probably he’s basically my second in command

the queen is way too busy for that shit
Why do you think there’s a council?

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(So my point still stands)

(Rich people want more money when they’re bribed)

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Considering there is an ending where the Spymaster straight up kills the Monarch, and the Chancellor is basically the Monarch’s #2, I feel like if you don’t want the Queen to decide it entirely, the Spymaster is the best route to go.

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No wonder my father told me to avoid the throne at all costs

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What happened to him

(To be clear, I don’t think a fair trial is especially likely, but I want an unfair trial to be as expensive as possible)

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what do you think happened to him

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He got poisoned for being a bad king and everyone just kind of shrugged and put me in his place

There’s a dev blog about this somewhere

i was about to make a joke about him actually dying of old age and then eliza already killed him off

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Your bloodline must have died very young…

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I genuinely do not think the Monarch can even die of old age in this

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If the Monarch wins then they just remain the Monarch the next time you play lmao

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the concept of a family line is suddenly foreign it seems

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No its just

Explicitly stated to be the same person

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Aka the Monarch is tired of people’s shit

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holy shit the fountain of youth

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