[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

but its literal murder if guilty



which is why I said I would be more okay with it


(The chances of that happening are about the same as a snail learning quantum physics)

(It’s technically possible but you have to be doing drugs to think that’s gonna happen)

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(You’d be putting us as the only faction that doesn’t have their wincon rn)

(Any time there’s a vote we’d explicitly choose the one that screws as many of you as possible)

(At this point we don’t care)

(You ruin our game we ruin yours and who cares about winning)

they’re trying to say we can force you to vote with us
which is technically true in circumstances where there are two options (it happens in some events) and Eliza puts iron choice on the one we don’t want

this then creates a revenge cycle that hands monarch the win
I get “I told you so” rights at the end of this game if Eliza wins

(Jokes on them)

(There’s a nonzero chance we vote to screw both us and them because we’re petty)

(You’re not wrong)

(I’m just extremely petty and annoyed right now)

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that’s lowkey throwing but I’d probably do the same thing in your shoes so I’d be a hypocrite if I told you not to
in a scenario where it’s near impossible to win anyway

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I know I’m not wrong because most people are like you
I’ve been on both sides of this scenario many times in this game before it happens every game that the monarch wins I swear to the ninth

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and I’m literally also guilty of it


(If there’s a chance of winning we’d try)

(But if the scheme is lost because authority is high we probably can’t rebel either)

(And therefore we have nothing to play for besides being petty)


yeah literally
like having a lower auth wincon is honestly the worst because if you can’t hit your wincon you also can’t rebel most of the time

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same with lower stability

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which like. this is definitely partially barons’ fault because there were other options but also that doesn’t make the position that you can’t go back from not suck

like you can’t retcon your scheme decision

I’m just saying. if A wins the game will actually be fun for everyone playing

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