[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!


You may now spend your personal wealth to fund buildings. The 2 most funded buildings take effect in their region! (or kingdom if kingdom stat)

The buildings are as follows:


A. Grand Bazaar (+1 Trade) (Funds: 1)
B. Thieves’ Guild (-1 Trade) (Funds: 0)


C. Stadium (-1 Millitary) (Funds: 0)
D. Library (+1 Stability) (Funds: 1599)


E. Cathedral (+1 Faith) (Funds: 501)
F. Theatre (-1 Authority) (Funds: 2323)

To fund a building, simply type /fund X Y, where X is the letter of the building and Y is how much you are spending on it. Be sure to ping me! The auction will last 24 hours or until everyone has had the chance to fund a building. (You may fund multiple buildings)

Non-funded building have their patrons refunded.

Can we give funds to other players


barons got kinda robbed

with those buildings

/give 100 gold to zone

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maybe it will help you in future auctions

you can’t do that

you just said I could

sorry i thought u meant can we fund other buildings

outside of ur region lmao

/fund E 500

one sec posting gamestate

okay zone whenever you have a building that must be funded (authority for example) LMK and I’ll donate like 10–20 pervent of my gold



Kingdom Stats Authority :crown: Stability Treasury
5 (Barons :arrow_double_down:) 6 3000
Region Stats Trade Farming Millitary Faith Defiance
Count Stats 6 7 6 2 (Counts :white_check_mark:) 4
Grandee Stats 6 6 4 7 (Grandees :white_check_mark:) 1
Baron Stats 5 5 6 6 1
Player Wealth
@IcetFeelsPain 1000
@Hazardwaste 1000
@Zone_Q11 200
@Moll 1000
@Squirrel2412 1000
@crazynuto 1000
@Jane 1000
@tutuu 0
@JakeTheWolfie 250
@catbae II 1000
@Marshal 1000
@Litten 200
@sulit 1000
@Kiiruma 1000
@Amelia 1000
@guavagudetama 1000
@Silviu200530 999
@italy 1000
@YoubutWorse 500
@Daeron 1000

Eliza can I fund multiple buildings


This building allows you to reach your scheme if you find F. As a gesture of good faith, I’ll
/fund F 200 gold

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I’d like to fund a Cathedral

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how much