[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!


you cannot go into debt

actually i can but it won’t be negative money

Super. She goes into debt instead of us

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@guavagudetama I know we Grandees and Counts have our differences, but I’ve seen first hand based off the previous voting how corrupt some of the Grandees are, going as to state that their will is the will of the ninth god, when the ninth god would be absolutely disgusted by their actions. I have no reason to believe that a Cathedral would not be corrupt and be another extension of some of the corrupt grandees trying to influence the kingdom.

A library and a theater benefits the entire kingdom. It will increase our literacy rate, our knowledge, and would bring in new revenue in the long run as it stabilizes our kingdom. For that reason, I ask you to invest in the library and the theater as I believe that this would benefit the whole kingdom.

/Fund 600 gold to library

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/fund 999 to library @ElizaThePsycho

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you’re next

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you already pissed off the barons, please do try to piss off the counts again as this seems like a winning strategy

Thank you next

Thank you next

  • Arianna Grenade of England III

Your pitiful attempts at slander will not be ignored.

Please, be my guest!

why does your pfp change every time i look back

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Your guy literally just stated she’s gonna kill me and you have the audacity to say you guys have honor

I can’t decide whether or not I want saffron

You will be slain following a duel to determine righteousness

well you should fund a libiabry instead of the faith thing cuz we will have books abojt fueling and honor

no books about the ninth god tho
In fact that’s a banned book

/fund 742 F


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i’m projected to kill everyone in this room at some point and nobody calls me dishonorable


that’s a very specific number

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A messenger runs up, scroll in hand.

“Baron Wilhelm Marzipan of House Squirrel, second of his name, eater of sweets and pastries, wishes to make his will be known.”

round numbers are for losers

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