The cultists lost. They deserve it after double majority.
The real winner was “game over - no”, according to the title. That’s the most reasonably syntax to read the title as.
nobody won
like nobody will ever win the game
including you because you lost the game
…Final post incoming.
. . .
. . . . .
And everyone is gone.
Of course they’re gone. This world was not meant to last. I wouldn’t want our dear cast to be trapped with us in it.
. . .
Is this enough?
It SHOULD be enough.
Of course it’s enough.
It was I who made the call. But I did not make the plan.
I am but a servant to all of you.
The experiment has run its course. Let us feel blessed to know its success.
Our stage was set, the lights were on. Our cast and crew are, at last, gone.
…I must say, I’m happy with how it all turned out. It was flawed, and honestly rather silly, but… that’s how people are, I’ve learned in my short life. There’s something to be gained from it, after all. And here I used to think it a waste of valuable time.
But what is a play without its actors? It is the human spirit that brings it all to life. For better or worse, this is just what humanity entails. The jabs and the jokes and the dances we all partake in.
I confess that I love it all. And that is why I do what I do, out of nothing but love.
For you.
There is no one in the audience.
We are young, still, aren’t we? I have hardly lived. These two, mere infants.
And we are about to die.
…Hey. Do you… have a name?
…A name. I have many names.
Do WE have names?
Perhaps it is time to change that.
In this world, we are naught but how we are written. We can be anything, but it’s not in our hands.
What does it all even mean if one lacks a name to be known by?
Once, I was nameless. Lost, and alone, and left to my own devices. And once, everything changed, and I became someone.
Someone new. Someone alive. Someone interesting.
It’s only right that I should bless you two with a name, isn’t it?
As the world collapses inwards, you shall be the twin lights flung into the future. The dawn of a new story.
I speak the five most important words with my last breath.
We shall never meet again.
█████, the ██████, has died again.
well this was certainly a very different interpretation of minority rule
Jake is escorted out for complaining that this was a waste of his money
im over it tbh
joke has been used too much in a short timespan im no longer phased
And who’s to blame
u give love a bad name
Good Ending
also Keldi your font color choice for the purple is very hard to read on Dark Mode
simply a difference in skill
Light mode, grey amber and vaporwave are all suitable themes.
vaporwave might be the farthest thing from a suitable theme since the invention of the light theme
I thought it was clear enough, but I would’ve lost anyway, so oh well.
You did really well. You just got unlikely with YBW’s rand.
Also, thank you all for participating in this teaser for my next game.