[MISC] Minority Rule - Itemized Insanity [GAME OVER - NO VICTOR]

I don’t trust you, but go on.

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not if i die first

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I’m certain this will work out with no issues

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The council of knives will decide your fate, Trochilidae.

that’s the way i wanna go

Although… you know, murderers with knives, that’s been seen a thousand times.

are you suggest i drink poison instead
i’m really good at that!

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Why are you so enthusiastic about this…?

I reckon everyone’s going to pick Bloodlust or Kleptomania to get that sweet, sweet status

Prayer would be enticing if you have enough confidence that no one else will pick it


@Trochilidae scientific name club <3


Nobody’s mentioning Prayer. That means everyone’s going for Prayer and hoping nobody else does.

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do i randomize my choices again or do i actually play

we’ve got 25 rooms for the first round only. Now is the best time to gamble \o/

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RNGesus guids me towards Insanity :blobjam:

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because i’m known for drinking poison in misc games on this site which is funny

skate + hummingbird duo ready to run the world

kleptomaniac sounds like asking for death

I’m creating an alliance with anyone who is in the bloodlust room with me

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