[Misc] SBPC - Arete wins!

ami is messin’ with my brain, did they rename the noz_bugz account or did they make a new account named ami

they renamed the account

helpful ty for the free info dab dab dab

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me who didn’t even know ami had another name at some point

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the whole name changing thing is pretty common with trans people
unless you have a universal name like alex or sam

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or universal


I just stuck with my username since it’s based on my last name not my first :sunglasses:

(this is nowhere close to doxxing myself for the record)

u need all the help u can get tbf


i thought you were named after like
a muppet or something

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I’ve heard so many reasons on why I’m named Wazza
this is not a common one


listen here Hippopablomoyeetus
i was going easy on you all in the first round to give you a head start like the gentlemen i am


i knew squid was in the 20k+ gang for certain
they were in like every single rp that existed while they were on the forums
always a top 3 poster in games they were in too until near the end

meanwhile ashe just kinda hung out and did mod stuff every once and awhile
didn’t play that often, only ocassionally

hosted a lot but hosting does not give prodigious postcount

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I’ll be honest here. I don’t even know why I am not <20k. I thought I talked way less than I apparently have.

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Feels waaay too low lol

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Spock showing emotions!