[Misc] SBPC - Arete wins!

Before you lost your memory or after

Because your surroundings dictate your personality

i have insight into this
it simply creates two versions of you based on the surroundings
what you consider “you” is based solely on surroundings and memory and if one or both is changed the “you” that you know to be yourself inevitably changes as well

there is no real you just a current you

So in that case
Whatever you think is “you” in a current situation is you

But that could be affected by your personality too

which trochi is the “real” me?
the trochi having the wheel at the moment
none are more or less me just me with different memories and surroundings

This is confusing


inside u are 2 wolves


trust me
i know

this is my best take on it

Wouldn’t the realest you be the one who was made first?

Because that one was there throughout the events of your life
If you lose all your memory, that doesn’t make them a different person, both are “you”

Does the major personality and memory difference make it a different person?
Or just because they look the same they’re the same person

Why would that be the realest though? What makes the others less valid?

good question
what if the trochi that was first isn’t the trochi that’s around most now

not necessarily
the “first” trochi so to speak started taking more of a backseat recently

alternatively we are all computers and someone else just logged into a different account on tro

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can they stop being such an asshole

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