Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

im not the pressure type of player, at least most of the time, unless i enter a random mood and find it amusing. im content chilling for now. u do as ur heart desires, King :pray:

still none, same as when u asked me last time, he’s still asleep :P

Oh I missed your response.
Lmao sorry.

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its okayyy its okayyy no need to apologize :D i had also missed ur question for a while

Etha (1): Demisha
Achromatic (1): Zorvo
Leafia (1): Arctic
Arctic (1): Leafia
MerpyDerpy (1): Jormok
Drinks (1): Achromatic

Not Voting (9): Doodleshy, Etha, Zenon, lol, tutuu, eevee, Litten, MerpyDerpy, Drinks


I wanted to play magic with Drinks at the time but they wanted to post in the thread when it opened flasdkfjsgl


Now I can sit down and read chill for a while, and since there isn’t anyone around active it makes it more likely for me to read the whole thread from beginning to end

This post feels so lazy to me while trying to look turbo invested right away, I don’t like it


dont want to get angry messages from katze again


Can’t comment on this because I haven’t been on those games but the way this caught Zorvo’s attention caught my attention a bit, especially because it was on that Leafia post I mentioned, maybe someone else that was in those games can comment on this.

Unironically seeing you write a post that’s more than a single sentence feels odd coming from you, even though I highly respect you because you have such an unpredictable playstyle from my perspective the few times I’ve been in FM with you, the one thing that always stood out to me was how dry and small your posts were as town but you never raised suspicion. I’ll just keep this in mind is all.

Arctic is playing the most 101 Arctic town textbook to me the way he’s reacting and talking in thread, this slot feels so easily cleared as town

This, in the few games I’ve been with Leafia this statement is something I’d overall agree with

I was about to say again that this looked horrible to me, then I remembered:

I actually did that I just forgot…

Anyways VOTE: Leafia Leafia’s entire behavior up to this point doesn’t line up with what I remember of her in other games as town >.<


This is somewhat true but it’s also true that Arctic just has a tendency of saying his big statements from hunches are not something he’s comfortable trusting and I feel like with how many games you two have together this is something you’d acknowledge by now too.

I mean idk maybe Arctic is playing me like a fiddle but I literally predicted this answer from Arctic in my town textbook version of Arctic, if he is I’d have no regrets if I’m mistaken trusting this slot but I trust it enough that I’m never pushing against it for D1 at the very least.

I read a certain post of Leafia that I don’t wanna quote before getting an answer to this post:

@Leafia what are your thoughts on tutuu?

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Demisha, were you primarily disagreeing with Leafia that Achro and Litten were unpaired, or that you thought they were paired? Is this a neutral statement or an assertion?

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What I was saying there was that “Litten/Achro probably not w/w.” off of what that post is replying doesn’t make sense to me logically, its basically going off the premise of “This interaction I just saw is never wolf theater in my eyes” but to me it very well could’ve been, I think it’s unlikely so it’s why I’m not wolf reading Achro and/or Litten off of it either but it’s not off the question.

This post however was just a shitpost for clarification sake, it was literally my first or second post iirc lol

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I think the way in which you’ve studied slots during these off-hours and made attempts to throw your own thoughts out there is a good look. Zorvo tried reading off your early Leafia read but bounced off Tutuu some time later, so…

Leafia’s posting


This specific line allegedly isn’t alignment indicative for Leafia. Looking at her ISO in totality suggests she was feeling ready to jump into another game, and as brought up earlier the fact that she immediately bit Achro in response to your quote instead of his gives the impression that she was already immediately planning on doing so. Taunting the bear, like.

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