Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I think burning through his 150 word self-imposed postcount, jumping into the thick of the thread immediately, interrupting other player’s thoughts with his own indicate that Achro’s in his A-playstyle.

True, but I would like to know sooner rather than later, so I can focus on reading other ppl

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Then I’m afraid my vote won’t change unless ppl sway me out of it

I think lol’s slot isn’t wolfy looking enough to focus on accumulating votes there for D1 but I’m not gonna force you out of your vote

I wish lol posted more, cause it does seem a bit different than first game with them. However, yeah, don’t expect a lengthy post or something lmao.

A suggestion i give to others is try not to vote those voting you early. Town tend to be biased because they know they are town when statistically lol is likely to be a town trying to solve rather than a scum trying to harm.

If lol is scum you still have two others to find. So i would suggest interacting with people present to get a feel for them even if you need answers from lol as the game does not hinge on him alone.

No, they aren’t detailed, I admit as much if you look through my posts.

Again, I’m somewhat out of my element here and I’m coasting. Think of that what you will, but I don’t know what else to tell you.


To clarify, I’m not expecting a college essay of an explanation. I would just get more closure understanding why they want to vote me. Because as I see it, it looks like a vague reason to get me pushed. In other words, it feels wolfy

Don’t sass me.

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That’s a good point. Thank you!


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I’ve never seen w!Zorvo draw attention to himself like this, and I’ve spectated quite a few of his recent games so it’s a tangible read.

Gonna let the audience know? Or let them infer?

Oh, shit, yeah I’ll spill.

  • Jormok
  • Demisha
  • Etha
  • MerpyDerpy
  • Drinks
  • The Hosts :)

That’s the people I know here.


Partnery being w/w.

Feel free to give me the kingship then.

You forgot my Demisha vote.

While I’d rather not die, I’m not against myself dying either.

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who are the big players?

looks at top posters

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i’m a small player

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You probably have. I am far behind on where I should be at on my notes.

It’s kinda funny because during break time at work I actually had to check if it was 48 or 24 myself tbh.

Pressure is fine though?

This is kinda bad for Achro NGL.

MerpyDerpy made it clear they didn’t have the intent on voting for execution just for pressure.

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