Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Oh, shit, yeah I’ll spill.

  • Jormok
  • Demisha
  • Etha
  • MerpyDerpy
  • Drinks
  • The Hosts :)

That’s the people I know here.


Partnery being w/w.

Feel free to give me the kingship then.

You forgot my Demisha vote.

While I’d rather not die, I’m not against myself dying either.

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who are the big players?

looks at top posters

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i’m a small player

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You probably have. I am far behind on where I should be at on my notes.

It’s kinda funny because during break time at work I actually had to check if it was 48 or 24 myself tbh.

Pressure is fine though?

This is kinda bad for Achro NGL.

MerpyDerpy made it clear they didn’t have the intent on voting for execution just for pressure.

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To clarify more:
Pressure for Explanation from lol.

what is his B-playstyle

Nice to meet you, I am your friendly neighbourhood Zorvo.


That’s not what your post count says.

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In this game Leafia was still trying to live, you can tell by the way she went “I can die today, but…” she started panicking the next day in a way that was more closely aligned with what’s usual.


But Merpy also said this:

My point is she does not need to wait around for lol to be here (he is in europe I believe so he is in bed likely) to focus on others and solve the game.

Why is this bad for me?

feels a little different from doming arctic but alright

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I’ll admit the “can focus on reading other people” is a bad move.
You can pressure vote lol for explanation, that’s fine. But try to still focus on reading others. Just think of your vote on lol as a placeholder till they explain themselves.

It’s bad for you because you defending them and saying they can’t vote for who they want to is just bad overall.

People are allowed to vote whoever they wish.

It’s also different to her usual “I am never dying today” line. Granted this game was a while ago and she hasn’t really done it since from what I know.

You mean Tunnel OMGUS?
That’s classic Leafia.

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i’ve been conked for so long can someone give me a tldr or do i have to read back through everything


There is a decent amount to go over.
What do you want exactly?
The conscious wolf reads?

I actually disagree here because Achro is right about that.

you aren’t going to be able to solve the case from a tl;dr, you should read the game