Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Zorvo / Etha confirmed.

Yes. Vote the person who you copied thoughts from.

Fuck you caught us.
Me and Etha are wolves.


i should be clear that if we think that there’s a better vote than leafia, we should do that

i’m also saying that whatever leafia is, i think is what zorvo is

if i’m wrong with them being w/w then i’ll bite the bullet



If Etha is actually a woof I wonder if ima be called out for this later lol.

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I’m not in the votecount.

Sorry who are you?

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wolf team is actually me leafia and zorvo and im super bussing them duh

Eevee shapeshifted into me when I replaced in.


Nah it would be something like me, you and Achro with that difference check shit you made.

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hey i worked really hard on that don’t call it shit D:

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Bro, people can share beliefs??? Calm down, man.

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Just pointing it out.

I literally have been bringing up Drinks as one of the slots that deserves to be put on the spotlight the most, I’m just lazy to write a full on case about them because guess what

There’s barely any posts from them and the ones there are aren’t very substantial in content

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Oh I know you replace in but according to the votecount you must be the player type that can’t vote.

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the secret non-vanilla role that doesn’t get to vote


I also can’t even see your name on there.
I think it likes Eevee more.

I wouldn’t mind randing Semi-Priest again.

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