Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I do that sometimes! Like, when I am fully on my own and meeting a new friend group I do the exact same thing! I got like, different personas for different groups, it’s scary!

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Some only know me as fully formal serious jormok, some know me as quiet guy jormok, others know me as chaotic jormok, it’s weird.

Yeah I didn’t really think about my typing style much this game until now. It was interesting to reflect on it, so thank you! Hopefully, this discussion helped you :+1:

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yeah, you’re going back fully into the formal, lmao

Not even trying to mask it

It has occurred to me that Zorvo might be evil showing off to spectator chat and that’s why he kept voting Atlas yesterday. Wanting to be talked about.

Help I am being sucked into the business email please help AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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And now people can say you have a personality this game! It’s not all manager talk! Merpy, can in fact, be derpy

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Wouldn’t the spectator chat comment on this even if they were innocent? How would this make them a wolf? I’m not saying you’re wrong. Just curious on your perspective :thinking:

This seems informed.

Clearly wants that Leafia ML no matter what.

Was this throwing doubt on W/W or was this trying to throw doubt on Etha being a wolf?

I feel as though changing my typing style now would be suspicious, so I am just going to continue typing as I am. It also is kinda satisfying to type like this :woman_shrugging:


You do you! Just have fun either way!

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How bad would you feel if you executed Litten?

Spectator chat’s responses aren’t actually important to the game at hand. I think if Zorvo wanted to attract attention and have people talk about him without the game’s players talking about him (say if he were evil and felt proud of his play, having everyone townread him, etcetera), voting a spectator would be akin to an actor bowing in front of an audience on-stage.

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Of course! (I think it would also be difficult for me to avoid reverting back to formal typing anyways lol)

This is a reach.

Also guys.

Notice how Arctic didn’t budge on the @Litten vote until me and Jorm brought Etha up to almost hammer position.

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Ok that one was sorta a joke and I just wanted to see how Arctic responded.

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That is a good point. Thank you for explaining! :+1:

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