Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I hesitated because you defended Lol. Respectfully, I feel like using that argument against me is invalid. Plus, it feels kinda hypocritical since you did hard defended Lol before they flipped

Yeah this too

Zorvo feels like they’re desperately searching for a reason why I’m wolf

Could you link an example of a past social deduction that you’ve played in a similar manner to this one?

In my votes, I voted for both wolves. I voted Etha in vote 1 and Lol in vote 3. If anything, I think your vote history is more suspicious. You voted Jormok votes 1-3 and then hopped on the Lol bandwagon for vote 4. Vote 4 very easily could’ve been you bussing Lol. And then vote 5 was the hammer situation

VOTE: Zorvo

Zorvo’s argument just isn’t making any sense. I will be genuinely shocked if they aren’t wolf at this point. No one else jump on this vote because I may not react fast enough to unvote (to avoid hammer)

I would like for all of us to get along, please.


If you know my meta so well you should know I wouldn’t have done that out of simply me not wanting to follow your crazy plans and guesses

Don’t you fucking dare pin this on me if it gets down to F3 after I flip town, especially not after you pulled that bullshit “I’m rIdE or dIE On dDEmI”

Like actually fuck off if you end up blaming it on me after I’m flipped and can’t respond in thread anymore

(/pos, I’m not actually mad I’m just warning you you better not put the fault of the game on my shoulders just because you think you can godread everything lmao)

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I speak to people clearly, sometimes people think it comes off as me being giga mad or aggressive at others but I’m just being as honest as I can, in reality I’m well aware that it’s a game and I never really hold a grudge against anyone’s person beyond the game, but I do take the game seriously which is why I speak firmly when I do

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I’m down to listen to whatever you and Merpy want though, admittedly I can’t not hear what Zorvo has to say but like I’m still more than willing to cooperate with whatever you want

I still think you guys are kinda throwing (town collectively) if you don’t vote me out, like seriously there is only one other slot I can think is somewhat head to head with how suspicious it is compared to mine and even then I think mine is more dangerous for town

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Advocating for one’s own death is rarely beneficial, regardless of alignment. Just so you know.

Hence why I haven’t self voted, but I understand that the case against me is significantly stronger than the case in favor of me so I’m not bothering wasting other people’s times trying to convince them of something that wouldn’t convince me if I were in their shoes

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It’s also the reason why I haven’t voted anyone else, people might think I’m purposefully being silent about it but I think we all know that me casting my vote only makes the case against me stronger than the case in my favor

Like, 100% regardless of who the vote is casted on

I hard defended lol until after the Etha flip which I re-evaluated.

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Little Opposite.
I am actually trying to get more out of you to see why you have to be the town.

I think from how you have behaved today your likely a town member here and not the last wolf but I still wish to make sure.

I’m also trying to make you understand I am obvious town so you don’t throw in F3 if your villager and vote me.


Now your tunnelled on me, despite me giving you BIG BUZZBALL REASONS I am town.