Mountainous AMQ - GAME OVER, TOWN WINS (2/15 Left) Thread 2

You were claiming that Magnus messed up killing Demi. I am disagreeing and saying I think Demi was Magnus’ only kill option if they are wolf. They claim they would kill me, but I find it hard to believe tbh

As a wolf I would never have voted Magnus here and this wouldn’t have even been the F3.

Look back at the one game I sent you where I won F4 as Wolf, you’ll notice the differences.

Well I mean from my point of view I likely would have always voted Demi in that F3 and Magnus would have like always won that.

Another point I’ll bring up again is Kiiruma.

Kiiruma could tell I was town, I was being genuine and he could feel it.
I am not genuine as a wolf and Kiiruma knows this and Kiiruma rarely calls me town.
From what I did during that day phase, how I went about defending his slot, Kiiruma knew I was town.


Here for evidence.

I just want to make sure I understand the argument you’re making. So, Lol was saying you and Zorvo were evil? I ask this bc Lol says “neither of you are towny”, so I interpreted that as you and Zorvo since you were the 2 to speak in that post. Or does it refer to another pairing? I’m sorry if this is a stupid question. I just want to make sure I understand your points

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Like Kiiruma never says this.

Or this

Or this

If I was a wolf here.

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Oh shoot you’re totally right. I saw that when it happened and then completely forgot about it. Good catch!

Yeah I was too busy to do all the notes

Too much work

Magnus, what do you think caused this change?

This is one of the few things this game that felt townie to me from Zorvo. If you do disagree, Magnus, I am curious to hear your perspective on it

Oh no

I’m not denying it.
I was defending lol way too much early game because I thought they were different then their recent game they had where they were a wolf and swept.

Oh crap idk I missed this stuff before ;-;

That was also early game.

I re-evaluated lol Day 3.

Didn’t you turn on Jormok tho? I think I quoted it in one of previous posts. You went from trusting to Jormok to saying “yeah let’s vote them”. I can try to search for it if you don’t remember

Oh I remember

I even said it before.

Etha wolf read me.
Despite saying me and Leafia were the same alignment and they did it again with Jorm.

So my Ego wanted to prove Etha wrong so I can be town read

It doesn’t feel like Magnus tried to get us to cross-vote. If anything, it seemed like Magnus started to suspect me. They went on to say something along the lines of: “If Merpy gets voted, I’m fine with it”. Sorry I would search for the exact post, but there are a lot of posts here. I also want to make sure I get through everything in a timely manner