Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I wasn’t talking to the VC

it takes one click of the hammer button to look at it

doesn’t seem like that much effort

Hey someone who gets it.

But welcome to FM where everyone is gonna tell you that your trash every game. It’s really enjoyable and rewarding.

Let’s change the game. Everyone is doing their best and playing really well.


I’m lazy and have been busy recently.

This is a free time for me but I would rather just talk in thread and figure shit out socially.

Keeping track of votes and reads are good but it requires time deduction which idk if I can do that.

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What’s hilarious about you saying this and getting so pissy about it is that I’ve checked the VC and…

Drinks had 0 votes. Why are you so upset about an execution that literally wasn’t even on the table Zorvo?

i didnt see bullying either

i did notice you using self-meta as defense 3 times

your defense towards me this game has been ignoring me and self-meta

its cool if u wanna play like that as town. i dont judge people. perhaps its best we end the convo about this here, im unsure if anything more productive will come. im keeping my vote on you. if ur town i will agree that etha is wolf, and id trust ur other reads too

0 votes at this time


So Zenon has been noted as a strong wolf in the past wolf games of theirs.

What do you think the trick on reading Zenon is?

I don’t like unhinged Zorvo it makes me want to commit murder

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That game was difference because arctic was there which meant I didn’t have to do anything

Why does it matter?

Am I not allowed to trust someone’s wolf.

If they are wrong then they should explain why they are wrong.

demisha is town to me due to her emotions + i wanna trust zenon

i dont have jormok as town

i agree that etha is wolf if litten is town

i think the correct chop for today is etha or litten. if we miss on one, the other has to be wolf. atm i just think litten first is better

why do you think executing yourself would be better than voting out a wolf when we have mischopped already?
why did you bring up specifically jormok and magnus here?
don’t you have experience with jormok? why don’t you have a better read on him by now?

I dare you to change it just because Zorvo said not to

bookmark in thread bc i got pinged comin down

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That’s cool I already know you can’t read me so.

This catch up thus far has not changed my read on the Lit cat


I don’t know cuz I’ve literally only seen you as mafia once

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Hey Zenon.

Can you find me a wolf today.

What do you think about:

Tutuu push on Litten

Litten push on Etha


Called me a wolf for liking sparkling water, SMH. I don’t like this slot already.

This was just after saying they wanted a tldr cause they didn’t read thread. They only wanted wolf reads.

Town reads both tutuu and Litten by this point. Possible TMI?

Town reads Arctic and Demi, again possible TMI?

This post might be important?

More demi town.

Suddenly I’m town cause I am me. :)

Drinks wolf moment.

See, I know this is also true, but Drinks also has a side of not caring about certain games if it doesn’t interest them. Drinks is not here, which means this is probably true. They would be chaotic a bit, if they were here and invested.

Ethas strategy is to pair people this game

Demi has more reliable info about how drinks plays. I also agree with this statement.

Zorvo wall moment.

This is about Zorvo. They didn’t trust Leafia, so they didn’t like Zorvo.

W/V? Meaning they may wanna get Zorvo?

Leafia town, Zorvo town.

Or not, lmao.

Drinks vote moment.

Me not wolf moment.

Yeah, sadly we do not know Etha.

LMAO that second reason for not liking Leafia is so funny. What was that reasoning lol gave for voting arctic that one time? remind me of that.

Voting Drinks because Leafia posts so we get more info.

Drinks wolf moment again.

Info or lurk.

Regardless Demi is not getting voted up today, lmao.

Drinks wolf moment, also asks to get info, I hope they look into this.

Wait sheeps tutuu, instead of voting drinks? Weird.

Doodle Zorvo pair town.

wants either self or Drinks vote over Litten? Interesting?

Me and Magnus now null, Sad I was Downgraded.

Zorvo told Etha to stop pairing.

Huh, Good to know!


oh i see. i had assumed that you two knew each other a lot better, looks like i was wrong to assume that