Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Do you actually think our back to back votes on you was something two partners would do?


i think that it’s possible yes


This line of a read.
How this line is said.
I didn’t like it, made Arctic drop for me.

it is true Etha might be a v

@tutuu if you think i’m mafia read my posts in this game

Jorm doesn’t resolve anything.

If Etha or Litten doesn’t go over there is gonna be paranoia.

The only thing you can really switch to is maybe Drinks.

But you ain’t looking for woof

Arctic woof told with Litten maybe?

7 mins

Arctic could have stayed but moved and I think even Tutuu seen this.

litten why are you giving a countdown that’s 4 hours off :sob:

It’s like they are trying to move away

The count down is when I play the game

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Like Arctic asked Drinks about Litten as if not to get Drinks to vote Litten but to have a reason not to.

i don’t townread etha, i’m uncertain on them as of right now

but you are kinda refusing to see that i’m not playing this like mafia lol. if it’s v/v i just murder litten. if it’s v/w i just murder the villager. if it’s w/w then i don’t let this gamestate happen as a wolf. i’m going back and forth because i don’t have an agenda and i’m trying to figure out what’s going on. why do you think i bring up the potential townslip from etha and scumslip from litten if i’m a wolf trying to kill etha. i’m playing this openmindedly and u are confbiased, i wouldn’t really care but u made urself obvious town last night and so u are dying at some point this gamew, and i don’t want u leaving a bad legacy wolves can exploit to kill me when u are just wrong

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let’s not fool ourselves this game state is optimal if you are a w

What are the points against Jormok atm since I see 2 votes on him?

you clearly didn’t read the hypothetical “if this is w/w”
