Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

why do you think you getting executed is helpful?



litten is town cope harder loser

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This is so townie I will murder you if you kill them.

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Donā€™t be Sad Zenon!

Cheer Up!

I literally think heā€™s town you bozo



I also know the spectators Ruby and Eliza

relevant information for tutuu

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Gonna focus on this now!

(I was v tbat game)

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Killing unhinged Zorvo mainly because Zorvo usually isnā€™t unhinged and I donā€™t like it.

what? you dont want to link me the game because there was toxicity? im not going to read that or share it with anyone or quote it here. i just want to confirm your claim that u played that way as wolf while the game was going

Itā€™s confirmed!

Zenon voted me for fun!

One of these days though Iā€™m actually gonna be a woof and Zenon will actually be right.

Iā€™d laugh if Zenon is a wolf this game.

I can see it tbh.

the date says 2020 this is from 3 years ago

Giving Outdated Meta is a Scum Tell smh


Why is Zenon Town?

Who knows!

Why is Zenon Woof?

Fuck if I know!