Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I’ve never heard of this theory, lmao

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jormok said he prefers playing as town though, so i feel like he would care more about dying if he was town here? it’s why i feel like he could just be mafia having a laugh but idk


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I do! I just also don’t care about dying, lmao!


I mean, if I can avoid it, the fun party continues! But if not? Well, What a shame! ML.

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if he dislikes wolfing he probably gets stressed

i didnt read that he said that. thanks for letting me know. now i wanna townread him for being so jolly. and im lost again


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genuine question, when somebody tells you are wrong how much thought do you put into that possibility?


I compared Zorvo’s opener here to that of Valorant. It felt really lowkey, like he just wanted to say something and then quietly slip out of sight, calling himself useless. Then with Starcraft, his opener was needlessly dramatic. If he opened with the arsonist talk, and that wacky D2 question, he would’ve been pushed.
(There’s been a false flag before anyway.)


I am thriving right about now, this is exactly where I love to be in all games

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pat pat ^-^

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More so town, cause if I’m in this posisition as wolf, I back the fuck down and shut up!

i am not thriving

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wrong reply, sorry!

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ok fine u can be town coz ur trying to be thread dad

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Artic = Thread dad? Darn, now I can’t go against them

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What matters is what energy she puts into her comeback not the substance of the answer

This is a very bad reason to try to push someone lol town do this as much if not more than wolfs

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i feel like jormok could be someone easy to solve if he had a wolfgame on this site, if he’s claiming he doesn’t like wolfign he could just be one of those ppl who post like 20 times as mafia with zero energy and are really obv, idk


Step up your game Arctic :pensive: smh