Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

VOTE: Zenon


If a wolf doesnā€™t out themselves in the next 5 minutes I will be very upset

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VOTE: Zenon

Gtg for a little

Still wanna vote this because I didnā€™t like the reasoning behind voting me

A good wolf does that with a bunch of games stacked on their back and pulling a one-off odd behavior like that

Iā€™m not a good wolf and I donā€™t fulfill the rest of the criteria

You did it for like, no reason

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I donā€™t think I understand the Zenon votes???

I donā€™t either, but I wanna see it play out!


VOTE: Doodleshy

I did it because Iā€™m an emotionally swingy bitch

I voted Litten for the purpose of wagonomics yesterday, not because I preferred his death today.

Emotionally swingy? Sure! Bitch? Nahhhhhh

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litten is frozen and crying in wolf chat

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Oh look my vote doesnā€™t need to move today

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I donā€™t understand whatā€™s happening right now.

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u outed urself as mafia. good job.

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Youā€™re looking at it the wrong way, I donā€™t think a lack of ISOs increases someoneā€™s wolfy meter, I think providing ISOs decreases someoneā€™s wolfy meter

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that post does normally come from mafia but iā€™m not convinced in this case because i too donā€™t understand the zenon votes