Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Lore moment?

Wow shocking

People are trying to push into obv towns left and right and it doesn’t feel towny…shock awe

Have you considered that this means I do this as v too

He’s constantly swapping votes


Okay I’m tired of this. I tried being nice, but you’re really pushing my buttons. I’m putting my vote on you as a placeholder, but please stop this

VOTE: Zorvo


i don’t think jormok ever actually concocted something out of this despite bringing up the exact argument against me

And what have I been doing

I did tho?

Being mean :(

he posted a wall with things going either way, but only called you a wolf after i askede for an actual stance


How do I know this Merpy

When I die I refuse to go to informed out of solitary for the other 9 idiots

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True statistically, Zorvo has to be right if they accuse every person under the sun

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How does this answer Merpy’s question? It feels like you were leaving out bait.


Anyway we still kill Etha today not Zenon

I don’t be mean or at least I don’t intend to be mean.

i’ve seen you village on MU and you actually pushed things yourself

can you find it for me while i go through your other stuff bc i feel like you didn’t you were just going “etha’s misrepresenting me she knows me better than this”

Read this! This was that thing!