Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

That would be a funny shot in the dark that is a hit or miss!

Thatā€™s my condition to the Magnus CFD

Oh Iā€™m vibing! I am gonna be laughing that so many people got this wrong tho!

Itā€™s not a chain of flaming death if there isnā€™t three other people voting

Whatā€™s your read on Magnus?

funny shot in the dark

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Itā€™s a Tuesday morning.

@Arctic I want Etha to die but Iā€™d rather not shove her over. I thought about voting Litten but it feels a bit weird.



Why is Magnus a random hit?
Whatā€™s your read on them again?

too late for me to make reads, I do them via iso, and youā€™re the first to ask, lmao


he wants to Zirbo you


Jorm - Wolf = Magnus - Wolf

Iā€™m not weā€™ve literally had this conversation when you called me a wolf and I was town in the last 3 games we played together but go off

Jorm = Magnus?

My read isā€¦ probably on the lower half of null?


Iā€™m not with Jormok.

ā€œShot in the Darkā€
Seems completely null to me no?

You sure? We could hug