Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1


Wanna go Jorm?

This was the plan

Zorvo is annoying and I would want to silencer vote him if we were less tight between Etha and Jormok.


VOTE: Jorm
Why not let the kids have fun

This tbh.

Yeah I know

I am down for this

Itā€™s funny to defend a player that Iā€™d expect to flip red but why is Jorm your kill candidate, here?

Tied wagons pog

doodle you here? Zorvo vote?

this would actually remove most of the clutter from the thread, so itā€™s a tempting offer


i proclaim zirbo king. he is kingmaker


Litten wagon actually clean as fuck

Iā€™m sorry.

I donā€™t mean to be annoying what can I do?

No one tells me what to do.


purity means nothing about accuracy

Day 2 VC 18

Etha (4): lol, Drinks, Jormok, tutuu
Jormok (4): Etha, Demisha, Zorvo, Litten
Litten (4): Arctic, Zenon, Magnus, Doodleshy
Zorvo (1): MerpyDerpy

It would also kill all the content and 2 towns

True, sadly

its okay

i know that youā€™re doing your best



if youā€™re asking me, i donā€™t actually have a convincing reason other than vibes + threadstate + way they were handling etha being a bit strange