Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

“What do you mean ‘you won’t lower the price’?! This is ridiculous! An outrage!” Shiina yells, throwing a huge fit over one measly item.

“Shiina, we literally already hav-” “Shut up! I want it!” Shiina tries to take the item without paying, and she is promptly arrested for theft and can no longer continue with the party.

Tutuu has been disconnected

Their real identity…

Tutuu Role Card

Your name is Shiina. You are a Vanilla Town.
As an Idol, Shiina has incredible social prowess. She typically uses her popularity to haggle lower prices for items. In this game, though, her only power is her voice and her vote.


Day Three Starts Now, And ends at 2023-07-21T01:00:00Z

Fuck they actually listened and killed tutuu :sob:



So as previously established, Etha played the opening of this game by not taking any hard stances. For a flipped wolf I think this usually indicates unfamiliarity with the community or players in the thread, and maybe that she wasn’t really supported by her teammates? Moreover that her early pop-ins were probably with villagers first and foremost.

It’s already been pointed out that (#1135) is an example of classic TMI in action, which squares with Etha’s profiling. If you want to suggest she hadn’t wanted to jump onto either side of Tutuu and Litten’s early back and forth (which also involved Arctic as an onlooker but she didn’t bring him up), along with unpartnering the latter with Leafia, it’s fine enough to say Etha was fairly calling them both good. This take isn’t unique.

This is Etha’s first notable interaction in the game. My confirmation bias wants to call Merpy spewed town off this as well given the lack of necessity in bringing this up. It’s a strange response for her to make here irrespective of alignment, but Demisha’s strangely neutral, half-hearted answer and Etha’s lack of a reply feels aligned right off the bat.

Demisha and Etha have a few follow-up relations with each other for additional fuel on the fire.



I could see it.

Etha was shading Drinks throughout the first day semi- consistently. I’m inclined to think this treatment doesn’t feel W/W because Drinks came across as relatively pure yesterday in their behaviour.

This is a weak point against Etha / Demisha as a pair but not really, since in the scenario where Drinks is Town, Etha would be fine to continue townreading Demisha without looking absolutely “this person is forever Town always”. She sorta did that before though in her previous post, being oddly intense about not killing Demisha; so this post is a bit of a backtrack on that front.

In hindsight this partnership feels like it might slip Zorvo as a wolf, but his reaction feels like an impulse “get out of here” which is tantamount to how I would expect him to normally react. To be fair, Zorvo had a few negative points later but for now this is just a note.

So yeah, one or two of these four names makes sense to be a wolf.

I don’t know what Drinks means here. Demisha’s dramatic declaration calls back to Etha’s line earlier, meaning it’s an inside joke. Merpy makes an accurate callout here, but it’s hampered by the fact she only voted Etha because her townreads did (and nullread Etha earlier that day).
Eh. This isn’t compelling. Demisha’s feels too overt to be partnered on first glance but the simple fact she remembered Etha’s capslock moment earlier and responded in kind suggests her thoughts were focused on Etha that day. Not wanting her friend dead is supported in her ISO but nevertheless.

Etha’s D2 is likely antispew, implied by her pres-vote at EOD1. Will be broken into later but here’s the start of it:

You know where I was going with this.

  • Litten and Tutuu are likely good.
  • Drinks is semi-likely good.
  • Merpy can be good.
  • Zorvo can be bad.
  • Jormok or Demisha probably contain a wolf.
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they killed my bestie… i won’t let them get away with this


With Etha flipping wolf Litten is hard lock town now at least, huge hit


massping+vc in a sec having forum issues

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I’m amused that Zenon liked Etha’s flip twice.


i never doubted litten was town


Of course not.


If you look at the D2 VC I’m the more likely between Jormok and me to be wolf

i was halfway through etha’s iso when i got distracted with shitposting in breadbox and i’m gonna ignore magnus’s post until i’m done so we aren’t echo chambering

You pointed out yesterday that it meant nothing because you voted Jormok way earlier.

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Day 3 vote count+massping

People use that place?

most of the time no but for no explainable reason it sometimes randomly pops off

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I did but expecting people to have read/noticed that is delusional lol

You tend to read thoroughly so you’re kind of an exception to this

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