Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I’m sorry for saying skill issue

It’s literally not serious and it’s common in like every mafia community I’ve ever played in but I’ll stop


I’m done responding to mafia theory it’s a waste of time and you are talking past me its clogging the thread and not helpful

It was more the way in which you went “you’re wrong, goodbye”.

In some yes in some is what i mean not I’m done

Phone peak technology

Demisha is liking this post.


I realize now it looks like I was saying that to you but i actually meant it because people are trying to push Demisha lol

Arctic is liking this post.


The remaining mafia are 2 players who underestimate Litten.

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Tu madre is liking this post


Excuse me!
Did you see how Etha treated me.

Zorvo is a wolf even if they are town change my mind

I’m sorry for bring thread state down that’s actually probs the wolfiest thing I’ve done lol

Anyways I love you all sorry don’t hate me I’ll do better good night


I’m convinced if jormok was mafia arctic would be dead right now

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I probably won’t do better since I have the emotional equivalence of a 15 year old girl but I’ll try.

Yay broken brain

Only one I’m uncertain is Doodle, they can definitely be town though so we can go with it.

Lol I’d add as town, especially with how Etha treated my mention of lol.

i feel like ethat would be too obvious but maybe

Who was Tutuu pushing besides me?

I think it was them that treated it a certain way at least

Etha died cuz of achromatic I don’t think people care about obviousmess considering the fact that I exclaimed how Etha was obvious every time I read their iso and then like men in black my memory was wiped