Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

They said your interactions were odd.

I quoted it

what seems to me is you put me as townread but when i dont townread you and keep pointing up that something is off about you you decided you have no use for me and scumread me

and i quoted the part where they said we werenā€™t w/w

Bro I donā€™t even remember what you read me tbh.

well yeah cause you arent reading youre just making posts

I just think I might have been wolf siding defending you all game

seems common theme for this game is post 7000 times then ifgure out shit later

from who
no one was attacking me until today lol


Achro, Merpy, legit everyone who suspected you I vouched for you being in your town meta.

achro doesnt scumread me and merpy only voted me because i voted them and didnt explain it lol

if you think we are w/w read merpy and me interactions and figure it out yourself

when you admit your read was made up then ill consider voting merpy

start reading the game and you will finally catch a wolf

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Interesting! I wasnā€™t expecting this!

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I donā€™t really understand why you want me out so badly. I think Drinks is far more suspicious imo. I donā€™t plan on saying theyā€™re town any time soon

Can you elaborate more on this? Iā€™m sorry if I gave the impression that I think Zorvo is wolf. I donā€™t atm. I just find their methods of questioning me to not make sense. Iā€™d be happy to talk about it and explain if you want to talk about it!



Day 3 Votecount

lol (2): Litten, Doodleshy
Drinks (2): lol, Zenon
Arctic (1): Jormok
Jormok (1): Magnus
MerpyDerpy (1): Zorvo

Not Voting (4): Arctic, MerpyDerpy, Drinks, Demisha

i meant to take a nap but i slept for like 4 hours