Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Well then be right.

Who’s woof?

Idk about this one Kitty.


I think we are all insane.

Deep down inside

Sounds like projection

Oh shit I lost track of time. Does vote end soon?


around 15 mins

I’ll project a CFD.

Actually, we haven’t gotten a CFD by me.

Maybe next time I guess. :man_shrugging:

Right now I’m still conflicted on like everyone but you.

you got this!

Too bad Litten is like the go to kill tonight. :(

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Oh crap okay. What are we thinking as a group?

I heard your at zero, you should vote yourself for town credit.

Maybe wolves will notice I’m doing nothing and won’t kill me and will kill arctic first

Why is Litten the go-to night kill? Did something happen?

This is a Joke.

But all props to you if you actually do it.

You think for your own chief! Or if you’re a sheep click that hammer, check the votes.

just vote what you think is best, please?

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If your a woof, I understand why Litten didn’t die last night tbh.

it’s hard for other people to read you if you don’t take accountability for your actions. i don’t think anyone is more likely to be correct than anyone else right now.