Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Letting wolves live longer increases their chance on winning.

Common sense yet again.

Iā€™m gonna go now and idk when Iā€™ll be back.


arctic isnt even pushing me he said he will probably kill drinks

Thatā€™s how the game of Mafia works, yeah.

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Good morning, thread. Just finished Steel Ball Run. Itā€™s pretty good. Anyway, who we killing?

I am so woefully uninformed.

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Yeah thatā€™s fair. I appreciate you responding back in a non-rude way. Iā€™m trying my best to help solve the game, so I am grateful that you refuted what I said in a kind way that made sense. (Iā€™m just worried people are going to become defensive and rude):sweat_smile:

I donā€™t think youā€™ve played badly. I think youā€™re playing really well (regardless of alignment). Keep trying your best! Donā€™t give up!:blush:


I feel like claiming you are mislynchable would be a common wolf excuse to not get pushed, but itā€™s possible Iā€™m overthinking it :thinking:

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Day 4 Votecount 1

Arctic (1): lol
Drinks (1): Zenon

Not Voting (7): Doodleshy, Demisha, Arctic, Magnus, MerpyDerpy, Zorvo, Drinks

Youā€™re legit coping if you think youā€™ve played bad this game as town (at least for the average town player we have in this game, I guarantee there are at least 2 or 3 towns that are sub 100 post-ers)

And no Iā€™m not saying bigger post count = more helpful before someone insta quotes that and goes ā€œACSHUALLYā€

You said the same yesterday, it isnā€™t

If I was wolf Iā€™d know better as to not randomly ask a player ā€œwho should I voteā€

Thatā€™s literally textbook wolf play, which is why I figured at that point itā€™d be fine if I did, to be completely honest I wasnā€™t too invested by the day I asked that in the game anymore which is why I didnā€™t even remember to finish the day with a vote in

Like legit Iā€™ve made those dumb mistakes in FAM2 and paid the price basically immediately for it, I wouldnā€™t do it again at least not so non-chalantly

Iā€™ll be honest this is part of why I dislike 48/24 even if I understand it overall gives more people to the people whoā€™re too busy irl

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3 IRL days to complete a single day gets really dragged out and I start losing interest quick at some point

Iā€™d rather stay for long once sometime during the 48hs than spend the grand majority of my free time from two days staying in thread every few hours for 2 days

Yes I am very pockety as wolf

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Itā€™s this one Arctic i promise this is the villager you are looking for

And that matters because?

I tunnel more than just you Zorvo. Iā€™m clutch in FX anyways