Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1


Long story short.

If your the town and Magnus is a wolf I have less confidence you find him then if your the wolf and Magnus is the town they have more chance to find you.

What I am saying is, take the time to read through everything. I’ll try and be in thread with you for as long as I can.
Don’t just rush vote me. If we can pull off a town win we should do so, despite how good Magnus has played.

I won’t deny whichever one of you is a wolf deserves your win. Whoever you are played well.
BUT, it is against my win condition to let you get past me and I should try my best to make sure I get rid of the last wolf and that’s what I plan to do.

Anyway the point is, if you have anything you need from me just ask away, I’ll try my best to make you understand I am town.

If the other town votes me I lose, so I need to figure out if that other town is you or Magnus but I also need to make sure that other town understands I am their other town.

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You’re already asking questions so I am not too worried if your the town.
You also know how I play so you should be able to figure out I am the town if your town.

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I just need to make sure my teammate votes the wolf correctly and doesn’t vote out me.

You sorta just feel like too easy of a vote to make, which is the reason why I’m reading things through.
Have a good night if you’re heading off, though.

Zenon set course for a wagon change onto Lol at the end of the day. Immediately afterwards, you vote from Demisha onto Lol and tried heavily advocating for his death. I don’t think you’d try heading it off in any scenario, there.

I won’t even deny this.
Compared to you two I don’t look as good.
Like even comparing votes:
Merpy going lol then etha for their first votes of the game and you having wolves as your EoD votes.

I don’t compare to this.

So to compensate I am left with no choice, not only do I have to figure out the last wolf but I know my partner is probably more likely to vote me and give the win to wolves, so I need to show them I am the town here.

Another thing I do wanna say though is why haven’t you died yet?
But then on the other hand I look at the kills and other then Demi they make sense?

Doesn’t rule you out either because Tutuu did suspect you a bit.

Speaking of Tutuu one thing I will bring up is “Why would I kill Tutuu”?
As I already explained previously as a wolf I would have used Tutuu or at the very least kept them alive to get some ML’s going through.
As Lol themselves were their weakest sus.

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Another reason I voted lol is because at the time I was thinking on a lol/Demi team

Actually, I’ve figured it out.

This isn’t really a point against me since last night was the first time I should’ve died, and Demisha’s death was a certified play.

So Zorvo. If you’re a villager, I would appreciate if you toned down the unsought self-defence.
Secondly, we aren’t going to vote until at least half way through the day, at a time when all three of us are online. I’m going to write a case.

Let’s first imagine a world where Merpy is aligned with the evil team. I doubt a team consisting of Merpy / Lol / Etha would be particularly unified in scumchat, so instead they would separate in the game thread and draw their own respective lines. This independent thinking from all three wolves gave Etha a lack of foundation during her behaviour early on, and Lol fed on Etha’s flip without any attempt to reflect well off it. That isn’t to say the scumteam had zero direction, or to say none of them supported one another, but they certainly didn’t cooperate well.

(#179) Merpy enters the thread rather enthused, and gets almost immediately voted by Jormok. Her response isn’t inherently alignment-indicative, but she tries to play it off in a lighthearted, unminding manner. Players should never care about their first received vote, but Merpy answers Jormok’s vote and explanation in an outwardly non-confrontational and yet aware fashion.


This post could be a theoretical perspective flip if Merpy was a wolf who interpreted a break-down of her behaviour as “suspicion” on her slot… but she’s asked a number of clarifying questions this game so I dunno.

I’ll be heading off to sleep in a short while.

I will say that Merpy’s progression on Etha’s slot wasn’t the best either, going from a nullread to sheeping villagers, implying confidence on what turned out to be an accurate (albeit unfounded) callout, and then questioned it later.

By the way, this isn’t a coinflip. That would suggest an inordinate degree of luck.

Good night.

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Not entirely sure what you mean by this?
Can you explain exactly?

Yeah that’s about what I expected.

Maybe not for whichever one of you is the town if I show myself clearly enough for you that I’m the other.

But for me it kinda feels like a coin flip between you two.

What made you think this and then retract it like a day phase or two later?

You said this as well, so explain the former please.

So what was this about exactly?

So what made you suspect them more to stay on the wagon.
Because you said “plausibly sus” and “make that known” sounds like you weren’t 100% you’d stay on that wagon.

Other than Etha, who was the other Counterwagon?

Also here

Is your responses when I noticed you weren’t pushing Etha SoD2.

Then the next thing you post is:

Were you trying to redirect the attention off of Etha to me?

Here you also slightly defended lol.

Now you said this before but if I remember correctly you wanted a Drinks Exe.

Why at the time did you not think it could be Drinks as you pushed on Drinks SoD2.

Where/What was this development exactly?