Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Shouldn’t we all be trying to appear town anyway?

Tutuu was talking about tunnelling their townreads, as in putting complete faith in their townread, and yet the source post was referring to scumreading Etha.

Yeah but the difference is, you guys look better then I do and I KNOW I am Town so I need to make sure my partner sees it.

Thus I have to show I am the town today so I don’t get ML’ed.

If I choose to vote you today, it’ll be my conclusion that you’re evil. I think it helps to see players’ perspectives on each other as well as their thoughts on my slot to determine their alignment, rather than their opinions on themselves.

Which is why if your town I need to show you I’m not evil so you don’t vote me.

It’s harder to read into self-aware players, or those who recontextualise past behaviour to mean different things than they had originally.

Also BTW.


Did you want me to place the first vote or do one of you want to?

I think it’s likely the wolf among you probably doesn’t vote first.

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If you want to vote first you can, but there’s no hurry to vote quickly. I might prefer Merpy when I’ve caught up, but I’m in class so it’s slow.

Right well I’ll vote after the full 24 hours have past if I do.

So it’s 4:41 so anytime after 6:00 is where I vote if I vote.

222 posts were merged into an existing topic: Mountainous AMQ Day Seven (3/15 Left) Thread 2

ok go to thread 2 now


@MerpyDerpy look at this read from wolf.

Look at Jorm.

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