Mountainous AMQ - GAME OVER, TOWN WINS (2/15 Left) Thread 2

CFD’s Win.

Remember when I asked for that Magnus CFD?

Calling for random wagons on townread players will usually backfire.

Ah good. Town won in f3. Nice. ^_^ Now off to bed. Thanks for listening to me when I said to exe Etha D2 as well. Good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

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Best reason to be townread.

Good luck.

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Oh wow town won in F3 on FOL. It appears there is a Golden Age in FoL townplay.

I was expecting to feel worse reading through the spectator server, because that’s how I have usually felt about my past avoidable losses. I was anticipating a sinking feeling in my gut, and a wretched inability to think about what happened earlier today without considering what else I should’ve done. I’m not experiencing that here.

I replaced into this game without any particular expectations. I skimmed the thread before sending Kanave a message, and I was honestly surprised to see myself on the red team, no less with Etha and Lol because my initial reads had been favourable towards them both. Over the next… nineteen days? Did this game really go on for that long? Geez, my limit really is forty-eight hours.

I appreciated this game. There was no fear about being in the thread, and even though I hadn’t planned to be in this game at all, it was a good time all around. I regret having closer attachments with villagers than my own teammates in this game, but I can’t regret this town’s growth. I think I knew all along that Merpy was going to be there on the final day, and reading spec chat’s snapshot excitement as the final minute drew near, I almost wished I was there to cheer alongside them. In the moment, and for the last few days, I had this vague detachment about following an obligation. I was the villain, and I conducted myself as such, but it was important for everyone to have fun.

I have been aligned with the Town far too many times recently, so this was a welcome change of pace. I don’t think I could’ve mustered much energy if that had happened again. Don’t make me evil again unless I ask for it, thank you.

@Zorvo @MerpyDerpy let’s do this exact thing again some time.


For a year

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Well at least a year.

I’ve changed my name after champs every year lol

This one is probs permanent though since it’s like actually me

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@Magnus msg me on discord i wanna talk to you


where wolf chat

It wasn’t the most active because I wasn’t available on Discord for half the days and neither of the others were around a lot. Unlike other wolf chats I’ve been in.

that’s fine i just wanted to know if it will be released

We agreed to release it four hours ago, and it would’ve been sooner but some of us weren’t available then.

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Awwww :heart::heart::heart:

i’ll have you know i didn’t really follow the game but i saw your reads and you were so convincing that i just sheeped them

those reads were the following:

we would’ve been bad together, had we both been in the game




FTR it wasn’t you in particuLr I was calling out
It was everyone making forced cases on wolves I was calling out

love it when town wins

@Zorvo wp wp