Mountainous AMQ - GAME OVER, TOWN WINS (2/15 Left) Thread 2


Lol didnā€™t buss Baker or Bean in their last game from what I recall

Lol and Bean both tried to buss Baker D1 and they survived anyway. I spectated some of that game.

That would explain Lol, but what about Etha? If anything, Ethaā€™s reads felt very weak bc she claimed that she was just following her gut due to inaccuracy in the past. It felt as though if someone flipped wolf, she would fall back on that argument. Her confidence in her reads wasnā€™t there, so I feel like putting Zorvo in scum read tells us a lot. If she had this mindset to fall back on (proof comes from her Lol townread), then why mark Zorvo as scum? I think Ethaā€™s reads were the opposite of the truth. Etha didnā€™t want to completely screw you over, so she put you in null imo despite you being very townie

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Plus did you see the post I sent. just to make sure you seen it.

The one about the Credit and other about Betrayed.

What I mean by this is, if she flipped wolf, she did not want to blow your cover

Iā€™m sorry I couldnā€™t get you all this information earlier.
I wasnā€™t sure what you wanted and I was a bit busy.

Iā€™ll be honest: Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re talking about. I donā€™t recall. Could you reference it?

Ok but Lol and You both bussed Etha.

The first thing is that Jormok flipping as town was conditional for Zorvo being a townread, and since Jormok didnā€™t have that same condition it was clear that Etha intended for Jormok to die before Zorvo.

My push on Etha was unrelated to Lolā€™s push on Etha.



Secondly, I think itā€™s actually helpful that she placed me in nullscum long before being in anti-spew, because it was in response to me suspecting her. She didnā€™t form a read on me, but I coloured her thoughts in a slightly nullscum fashion because I pushed on her, returning my own thoughts on her no less.

And in the other game Bean had a more interaction with Baker from my memory where lolā€™s push was minor

Iā€™m not sure how Beanā€™s behaviour in a past game incriminates me.

It doesnā€™t but it proves it doesnā€™t change the argument.

Like there is no difference between You and Beancat

I mean obviously different games and stuff done but from what I was mentioning, it was the same general concept with You and Lol as Bean and Lol.

Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re trying to convince me of anything.

Iā€™m not.
I am making sure Merpy knows your argument is invalid here.

Merpy needs all the information she can get to figure out your the wolf.