My Hero Academia FM: Signups (13/13) - RANDED

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Whereā€™s my sign?


Am I not allowed to play or something?

Is it because of my face?

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Aelin has the final verdict, Iā€™m not in charge of WOTM

Oh never mind she did add you to the player list lol

tentatively /out


Boy it better not be because of me, Iā€™m no Hot Potato.

I swear man if you still have a grudge on me that one game because I didnā€™t go over Iā€™m gonna be mad.

Like there was nothing I could do, you voted me so I voted you.

We were the top wagons, it was me or you.
We won because of the plays I suggested, I really couldnā€™t have kept you alive.

Windward was in that game they remember what I told Luk to claim and to give it to Galen and have Spak won the F3.

Like instead of saying ā€œGreat job teamā€ you said ā€œI was hoping wolves will lose because I went over day 1ā€

Like really man?

Itā€™s in the past, forget about that game if you have to.

Join this game if your only reason to leave it was because I joined it.

Yes, I remember that game, but can you just take that to DMs or something? I donā€™t think that discussion really needs to be in the thread and itā€™s probably not the reason Marl dropped anyway.


If we donā€™t get more signups ill obviously have to can this
id prefer not to do that obv
if you guys have friends who like mha or just want to play fm it would be neat if you pointed them this way

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I will invite people who fit neither

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its been like 3 days you have plenty of time

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harass the like 15 backups u have until they join

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no, instead join the backup pool


this is probably a bad idea and Ill have way less time than I think I do
but we can reprimand me for that later



Fine Iā€™ll hunt players, give me a couple days and youā€™ll be full.