My perception of FoLer Movie Archetypes

I don’t believe in human rights



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ooh oooh me next me next me next

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You seem innocent, but I’ll be going in another direction here. You strike me as that a friend who would do anything to make someone else you care about comfortable if they needed it for whatever reason, and in a narrative I think you would the ideal character who would be willing to go so far as to take the blame if one of your friends really needed it. Not because you disobey the law, but because you’re that supportive. Only if you perceive them as a good person though.


Awaiting reply…

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I’m going in the order in which people posted, and quite slowly at that.
I already know exactly who you would be, though.

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you know what i’ll happily take this <3 thankyou

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I didn’t say what you’d take the blame for, did I?

You get what I mean. I’ll clean these up when I’ve done everyone.


this looks fun

I am curious now where you gonna place me

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Nightingale is the ghost next door who always seems to know more than she lets on. When there’s a supernatural threat in town, she either read all about it in a book or confronted it in xyr own life. Someone close to her probably died a long time ago and that closed her off from really interacting with the main group of protagonists for a while. Night might even begin the story dead, and advise everyone from beyond the graves. Xyr plays an important role in the second half of the story, and is only alluded to before then.


Chloe is the overseer who protects the mortal plane from danger, except she got the job a few years ago so she isn’t as distant and ethereal as she should be. She dies at the hands of the main villain during the climax, or right before it, and also has her own prequel movie + appears in a load of spin-offs.


the trick is that they were the marionette anyway :moyai:

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I still think it would’ve been fair as a real ability.

“All Minions are Outsiders [all Outsiders are in-play]” wouldn’t have been great, as a comparison.

That’s a funny one though

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But does funny mean good?

I mean, funny can be fun, and balance is in the name of fun, but there isn’t perfect overlap between “funny” and “balanced”.

if I got told I was the vizier and I am now the mutant would I be laughing or crying
