Need For Speed: Most Wanted SFM - TOWN VICTORIOUS

I mean he did call out jake immediately so i dont understand why this is suspicious?

he must have posted invisibly because I can’t find what you are referring to

oh I reread it again
no wonder I missed it
I looked for his reasons after Eliza but it was his first couple of posts

Yeah we had an exchange on it and everything

I dont have any sort of meta but to me icet reads as genuine enough tbh

To be clear i am opposed to that lynch today

compare their genuineness in this game to their posts this game and tell me if you think they are still genuine their game

Gnight then! if i am awake before final votes i will change my thoughts. but i am leaning towards my gut read of wiz being weird with his conversations with people. choosing to attack people trying to town read others rather then make their own reads. i dont know if its enough for me to vote on them. but i feel like thats where my heart is at now

eh fuck it. VOTE: WizKvothe If i am wrong i will face any consequences with alcohol and several packets of pain reliefs. but my day 1 reads are usually wrong.

I will admit i have never played with them before. so if this is their usual playstyle ping me and i will change my vote in the morning if i am awake before day end

(I dont wanna be useless this time. I wanna act on my actions this time)

Er. Yes? Tonally they sound similar and this game feels much less active minus me carrying the post count

Got a specific issue? Also compare jake from echos please.

What day was this? In that game

I’m actually really bad at reading tone
I’m more looking at the way they developed their reads tbat game compared to this. I guess that can be explained by there being less content this game.

As i stated before IceT starts very chaotically usually and then draws himself into a more organised and lawful playstyle when he is good. If evil he usually is very chaotic with everything

(looking at the game from echos now, and unless you meant tone in genuine then I’m bad at reading tone. I can tell if a player is obviously acting or sounding differently but I don’t have any formal metric so I’m not really sure how to define tone reading and whenever someone talks about having a tone read I’m just usually confused, probably because o haven’t put an actual label to tone reading yet)

Basically hazard is vouching that he is very good later on so i dont want to execute that today litten.

your concerns have been noted

IceT is not a bad player! He is just socially all over the place early on in games XD

Regardless of content the thought process sounds genuine


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Hehehehe you think i am smart enough to have a thought process. I am a monkey on a keyboard