Need For Speed: Most Wanted SFM - TOWN VICTORIOUS
Leafia’s actions was mostly directed to her by a power wolf so she could mostly act in her town meta. This game proves that she is capable of cooperating with her teammates, but only if they’re active and collaborative. Regardless of who the last wolf is this game, we know this is not the case here.
Leafia was the second most active evil, and cooperated pretty well with the other active evil, but on the first day she pushed extremely hard on one of her teammates with no practical reason to do so. Throughout the game she continued to push on her team, including in XELO where it was actively detrimental.
Similar opening to her previous game. Leafia and a fellow wolf came to blows within seconds of entering the thread, and while this quickly headed off, Leafia started to loudly scumread another wolf. She was executed on the second day this time, although she was suspected from the first.

Alright. I’m not trying to sap your enjoyment from the game.

Nobody else is here…

This would’ve been the general idea for why Kiiruma died that night, I bet.

how does that comment implicate Wiz?

I need to eat breakfast first


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That specific comment doesn’t incriminate Wiz whatsoever. I was answering your theory out of turn. I’ll reorder it for your convenience.

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D1: Loses a race, votes Bean at the last moment (breaking a tie between Bean and Jake), nothing else of note.

This wasn’t a scumread, I guess.

This is not a good sequence in isolation.

I’m not really reading an agenda in Lucifer’s posts so much as a “what is going on here” vibe.

Today is EOD, it’s 5am, I’m trying to sleep and nobody is taking up the hammer in my absence.

VOTE: LuciferChaos if this is more likely to garner votes. I still think it’s Wiz though, but I swear nobody else has been here since Lemon spoke with me fifteen hours ago.

Also @Lemonfairy.

Unless Hazard rbed Wiz last night.

Oh no, right.
Gorta was briefly around.

yeah, I ended up spending most of my morning in the living room

tomorrow I expect everyone to be super serious

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I know that I haven’t been as serious as I should, but tomorrow I will be. It just feels slow

It’s most likely a bluff
The Hazard thing

@WizKvothe @Lemonfairy @Garfooled @LuciferChaos you are summoned to revive the thread

Wiz/Magnus does not feel like T/T to me
VOTE: WizKvothe

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This isn’t an outlandish possibility, and far strangers things have happened. What do you think happened?

I suggested that Hazard should bluff subtely (not-so-subtley)

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