Need For Speed: Most Wanted SFM - TOWN VICTORIOUS


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VOTE: Leafia




I had to bus

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VOTE: Leafia

Town will lose this and deserves to lose. Mark my words.


“What do you mean, I sold out Razor?” Says the accused racer that has been decided by the Blacklist crew after the races today were concluded

“It’s from my sources I won’t disclose that you were near that BMW car from Razor and sabotaged the car shortly before the police showed up”. Says Rog the Race Organiser

“But t-thats not true! This must be attempt to frame me!” Yells out the accused racer. It must be shock to that accused racer that the blacklist begin to scrap the car from the motor parts, the interior and exterior, so they can sell back to the buyers they will be interested in having it, the pink slip is also taken from the accused racer “Now beat it, you donut-loving punk! Your kind ain’t welcome here!” Says Rog with bit of anger out of his voice.

The accused racer should be happy that their life isn’t taken apart piece by piece, eventually they turn themselves in to the Police not long after, testifying in the interrogation room. The Blacklist haven’t heard of the accused racer since their departure

Leafia has been eliminated

Night 2 has started and lasts for 24 hours 2023-03-12T21:00:00Z2023-03-13T21:00:00Z


Actions locked and processing

Start of Day 3 story


During late night before sun rise, the streets are patrolled by night shift police officers driving in their government-backed Pontiac GTO police cars, suited to ram the fleeing suspects by the side and cause authorised deadly force to keep their cars stop from moving around. So far, they haven’t found illegal activities tonight or seen sign of Blacklist criminals. Unknown to Rog, there is a race held with Bull in his black Mercedes SLR Mclaren and two racers aren’t part of the blacklist, well they are disguised with hoodies and sunglasses to keep their identities hidden, the two remaining undercover agents recruited by Sergeant Cross will be ready to take out Bull.

When the race is about to get green light, the engines roared that wakes up the dead silence of the night and the cars goes! The one who is organising this secret race is held by gal named Mia Townsend and the unknown partner, probably the former owner of BMW car that Razor won through cheating and uses that very car to get in the top of Blacklist every since, Bull is one of the Razor goons and that is why he will be brought to justice. You are holding on the steering wheel and you’re currently on the lead from these two losers that is about to lose a capital worth of money they bet against him. Halfway there from the starting point, you keep mumbling something out of your breath, you did listening lot of Prodigy songs earlier in the evening however to you, ‘You’ll be under my wheels’ in remix has been your favorite. The adrenaline is in synch with the music that get you in the zone to be focused on driving to be number 1 in this race.

(This song is mentioned)

However you find that both racers have catched up to you, side by side. Ahead of you is a dead end by street you have to go left or right. Sportmanship is overrated anyway and you decide to leave a dent against your opponent to the left that spiraled out of control that would ram against the opponent to your right, however the right opponent took a halt to avoid getting rammed as the left opponent make sick 180 degrees turn and goes into the street you took in, including the other racer follow suits. Both of them are honking at you angry. That won’t matter, the victory is close. However that stunt caused the racers to reveal the true identities and before you know it, sudden headlights from Sergeant Cross’ Police Car goes on and you wanted to bail out from the race, but then you got these bumps from the racers you wanted them to lose and win easy money, but looks like the cheating has caught up to you. The undercover agents you knew from the Blacklist got your car pinned down and you can’t flee. Not long after, more police cars show up to arrest Bull.

Litten got arrested last night

Toru “Bull” Sato, Town Racer

If it weren’t for Razor, Toru would still be hangin around at the docks dreamin’ of the Blacklist. This fool thinks he’s got a sleeper, calls it reverse psychology. The only thing stock on his ride is the paint.Toru likes to keep his car mint so give him a bump when you can.

Ride: Mercedes SLR McLaren (Sport)

race number 5 is open for /Race In


Majority is 6 votes

/race in

also first

Litten is dead?

why do you guys keep getting arrested

/race in

/race in