Need For Speed: Most Wanted SFM - TOWN VICTORIOUS

I change my mind VOTE: WizKvothe

I might switch back to Icet once I ISO Wiz later.

Thereā€™s not much time left tho but letā€™s be it then. I enjoyed playing with you guys. Keep up the hunt and win for us!

VOTE: icet

I have no other optionā€¦lol

If evils keep framing someone, final 3 will include 2 TRs

Whatā€™s a TR?

I canā€™t believe every single player who I played with who tried to self pres has flipped scum


Town read.
If no one dies, Hazard and Gorta stay alive. Thatā€™s good, and town gets to choose who goes, not mafosi.

Itā€™s a self press +suspicion on you, btw.

I honestly donā€™t think itā€™s Wiz

That makes sense. We are winning this anyway.

kill this, seriously

and yeah, donā€™t out who you target

Lemon did you read my paragraph

If we follow through with this, only Gorta and Hazard are allowed to race imo

Iā€™m going to go against limiting people who join races. While itā€™s the pro town thing to do, itā€™s not particularly fun is it. I came here to win but I also came here to have fun.

Okay, but can anyone tell me why we are treating Hazzard to be confirmed town while in reality they are just town lean for most of us? Or is there something Iā€™m missing?


Theyā€™re more townie than half the town

That I agree but still not confirmed!